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HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Man's perceptions and experience of Time depend upon several factors. The Past, and the Future have duration, but no existence. The Present exists but not endure. The arrival of New Year brings a sense of Hope, Expectation about Future that brings a sense of Joy, and Happiness.

HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Man’s perceptions and experience of Time depend upon several factors. The Past, and the Future have duration, but no existence. The Present exists but does not endure. The arrival of New Year brings a sense of Hope, Expectation about Future that brings a sense of Joy, and Happiness. The idea of a Creator gives Time, the Past, the Present, and the Future to be viewed as a continuous “WholeTime.”

We run our lives by numbers on Clocks and Calendars. The Clocks and Calendars create the illusion that we live in a world of mathematically measured segments of time. Clocks and Calendars record or represent the passage of time in conventional units, but these conventions have some natural basis in Astronomical Time, the Solar Time and the Sidereal Time. It is a continuous quantity and it is divisible into segments, durations or periods.

HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Solar Time is, Time measured with respect to the Sun.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Solar Time is, Time measured with respect to the Sun.
HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Sidereal Time is, time measured with respect to the Celestial Sphere.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Sidereal Time is, time measured with respect to the Celestial Sphere.
HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Astronomers use Universal Time, this can be taken as the Mean Solar Time on the Greenwich Meridian. The world is divided up into about 24 Time Zones.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Astronomers use Universal Time, this can be taken as the Mean Solar Time on the Greenwich Meridian. The world is divided up into about 24 Time Zones.

Earth rotates on its axis as it revolves around Sun. Man’s experience of time is caused by Earth’s rotational spin which brings changes in the environment with alternating periods of light and darkness called Day and Night. In Biology, Time has a Cyclical Flow. Both Time and Life share the same nature, the nature of motion, movement, or change that is called ‘Dynamic’. In Aristotle’s view, Time is neither movement nor independent of movement. On planet Earth, Time is relative to Earth’s motion, and Time is used to measure motion.

HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: As Earth rotates from West to East, the Speed of a point on the Earth's surface depends on its location. The rotational speed of Earth is faster at the Equator. However, it must be noted that man has no sensory perception of the speed of Earth.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: As Earth rotates from West to East, the Speed of a point on the Earth’s surface depends on its location. The rotational speed of Earth is faster at the Equator. However, it must be noted that man has no sensory perception of the speed of Earth.

The experience of Time on this planet is an illusionary experience and is not an absolute experience. Time is affected by the gravitational field of each celestial body and thus is unique to any one spot in the universe. It must be noted that Sun and other stars in our neighborhood orbit the center of the Milky Way Galaxy every 230 million years, because the entire Galaxy is rotating. If galaxies are moving apart in the universe at a great speed, the position of any galaxy is not constant. Man’s perception of Time cannot be related to changes in Space as planet Earth partakes in all these motions of Sun and the Milky Way Galaxy. At no instant, planet Earth occupies the same Space and man practically exists with no awareness of these changes in Earth’s spatial relationships.

HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Sun, and other stars in our neighborhood orbit the center of the Milky Way Galaxy every 230 million years, because the entire Galaxy is rotating. Apart from this motion, the galaxies are moving apart from each other at a great speed in Space. Man's Perception of Time remains a subjective, illusionary experience and man has no perceptional ability of changes in Earth-Space relationship other than that of knowing the apparent motion of stars and planets in the Celestial Sphere.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Sun, and other stars in our neighborhood orbit the center of the Milky Way Galaxy every 230 million years, because the entire Galaxy is rotating. Apart from this motion, the galaxies are moving apart from each other at a great speed in Space. Man’s Perception of Time remains a subjective, illusionary experience and man has no perceptional ability of changes in Earth-Space relationship other than that of knowing the apparent motion of stars and planets in the Celestial Sphere.

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion explain that when the planets revolve around the Sun, the closest move faster than those further away. Gravity accelerates when the planet is closer to the mass of the Sun. Sir Issac Newton’s Universal Theory of Gravity explains planetary motions and motions of other kinds of celestial objects like asteroids, and comets.

HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion explain the Perception of Time in our Solar System. Mercury takes 88 Days, Venus takes 224 Days, Earth takes one Year, Mars takes 686 Days, Jupiter takes 11 Years, Saturn takes 29 Years, Uranus takes 84 Years, and Neptune takes 165 Years to orbit the Sun if Time is measured by Units created by man.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion explain the Perception of Time in our Solar System. Mercury takes 88 Days, Venus takes 224 Days, Earth takes one Year, Mars takes 686 Days, Jupiter takes 11 Years, Saturn takes 29 Years, Uranus takes 84 Years,  Neptune takes 165 Years, and Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun if Time is measured by Units created by man. Planets orbit the Sun as per Newton’s Universal Theory of Gravity.

Since man’s Perception of Time is relative to the alternating periods of light and darkness caused by Earth’s rotational spin, the perception of time changes on different planets of our Solar System.

HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: The Speed of Rotational Spin and the Axis of the Rotational Spin or the Tilt of the Planet is imporatnt to determine the type of Perception of Time as Day and Night.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: The Speed of Rotational Spin and the Axis of the Rotational Spin or the Tilt of the Planet is important to determine the type of Perception of Time as Day and Night. Mercury takes 59 days, Venus takes 243 days, Earth takes 24 hours, Mars takes 25 hours, Jupiter takes 10 hours, Saturn takes 10 hours, Uranus takes 16 hours, Neptune takes 18 hours, and Pluto takes 6.4 days to complete their rotation. It clearly demonstrates that the Rotational Spin is not governed by Newton’s Universal Theory of Gravity. Each planet exhibits individualistic variation.
HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Each planet in our Solar System exhibits its own kind of Rotational Spin that is not determined by the Universal Law of Gravity.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: Each planet in our Solar System exhibits its own kind of Rotational Spin that is not determined by Newton’s Universal Theory of Gravity. Man exists as if he has a Biological Clock that accurately measures Time and man’s existence is synchronized with the alternating periods of Light and Darkness. The Biological Rhythm that operates human life is called Circadian, Diurnal, Day, or Solar Rhythm.

I describe the planets of our Solar System as Original, Distinctive, One of its Own Kind of Created Celestial Objects as the Perception of Time varies from planet to planet and this Perception of Time is not determined by the Universal Law of Gravity which determines the planetary motions explained by Kepler’s Laws. I have reasons to speculate that an unknown Force/Power/Energy has caused the differing kinds of Rotational Spins of the planets of our Solar System. It indeed gives me a sense of confidence to assert that there are no identical planets in this entire universe while it may contain billions of stars with their own planetary systems if the identity of a given planet is an attribute of its Rotational Spin.


Happy New Year - The Perception of Time: Albert Einstein who formulated the Theory of General Relativity had visualized the four dimensional Space-Time Continuum. It has important applications in Theoretical Physics. For existence of Life on planet Earth, Time dtermines the Order of Succession, and Space determines the Order of Situation.
Happy New Year – The Perception of Time: Albert Einstein who formulated the Theory of General Relativity had visualized the four-dimensional Space-Time Continuum. It has important applications in Theoretical Physics. For existence of Life on planet Earth, Time determines the Order of Succession, and Space determines the Order of Situation.
HAPPY NEW YEAR - THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: The Perception of Time is important to define Temporal Relationships of Succession and Simultaneity. Which came First? Is it the Chicken or the Egg? There is a chance for Chicken and Egg coming into existence Simultaneously if there is a Creator or Creative Principle that is Uncreated, Unborn, Eternal, and Uninfluenced by Perceptions of Time.
HAPPY NEW YEAR – THE PERCEPTION OF TIME: The Perception of Time is important to define Temporal Relationships, the relationship between Time and Life. Time is the duration between two events; Life is measured as Lifespan, the time interval between birth and death. It raises the issues of Prior, Posterior, and Simultaneous. Life poses the biological riddle; Which came First,  the Chicken or the Egg? There is a chance for Chicken and Egg coming into existence Simultaneously if there is a Creator or Creative Principle that is Uncreated, Unborn, Eternal, and Uninfluenced by Perceptions of Time. What is called Eternity is Prior to Time, Simultaneous with Time and is Posterior to Time. I prefer the simple term “WholeTime.”

The philosophical doctrine of Temporalism stresses the ultimate reality of Time. The term ‘temporal’ is concerned with life on Earth and it relates Time to Life. However, there is a fundamental distinction between these two measurable entities. Every thing that is born comes with its own plan for its dissolution and exists during a measured duration of Time. But, Time is essentially a self-subsisting Nonentity. Temporal relationships lead to notions such as prior, posterior, and simultaneous. In terms of Life it poses the biological riddle; Which came First,  the Chicken or the Egg? There is a problem with explaining Temporal Relationships, particularly to know the reality of human existence; the reality of prior existence before the fact of present birth and existence, and the reality of a future birth, resurrection, reincarnation, afterlife, or rebirth after the conclusion of present birth and existence. The concepts of Immortality, or Everlasting Life demand that Eternity is Prior to Time, Simultaneous to Time, and Posterior to Time. There is a chance for Chicken and Egg coming into existence Simultaneously if there is a Creator or Creative Principle that is Uncreated, Unborn, Eternal, and is Prior to Time. Things in Nature Change with Time. The Power of Dissolution exerted by Time would compel man to investigate and to explore the concept of Absolute, Unchanging, Immutable, Eternal Reality that exists the “WholeTime” without any concern about man’s Perception of Time.

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